A Guide to Winter Pruning for Tulsa, Oklahoma

Pruning is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and attractive landscape. Regular pruning helps control the growth and shape of trees and shrubs, promotes healthy new growth, and prevents potential damage from overgrown or diseased branches. In the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, winter is the ideal time for pruning many common landscape plants. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of winter pruning and why Tulsa Lawn Care Services is the best choice for pruning services in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Why Winter Pruning is Important

Winter is an ideal time for pruning many common landscape plants because, during this time, many deciduous trees and shrubs are dormant. This means that their energy reserves are focused inward, rather than on new growth, making them less susceptible to stress from pruning cuts. Pruning in the winter also helps to reduce the risk of transmitting certain diseases and pests, which can be spread more easily during the growing season.

In addition to being less stressful for the plant, winter pruning also offers a clear view of the structure and form of the plant, making it easier to see what needs to be trimmed and where. This is especially true for deciduous trees and shrubs, which have lost their leaves, revealing the branching structure. This can make it easier to identify potential problem areas and to plan for future growth.

Common Plants that Should be Pruned in Winter In the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, there are many common landscape plants that should be pruned in the winter. Some of the most common include:

  • Crabapple and other ornamental fruit trees
  • Dogwoods
  • Forsythia
  • Lilac
  • Magnolia
  • Spirea

These plants should be pruned in the winter to help control their growth, maintain their shape, and promote healthy new growth. During the pruning process, dead or diseased wood should be removed, and branches that cross or rub against each other should be trimmed. Overgrown branches can also be reduced in size, helping to control the overall size of the plant.

What Winter Pruning Looks Like

Winter pruning is a relatively straightforward process that involves removing dead, diseased, or overgrown branches from the plant. The process begins by identifying which branches need to be removed, taking care to avoid removing more than a third of the plant’s total growth. Once the branches have been identified, they should be cut at their point of origin, making sure to cut just above the branch collar.

After all of the necessary pruning has been completed, the plant should be inspected for any remaining dead, diseased, or overgrown branches. If any are found, they should be removed, taking care to avoid removing more than a third of the plant’s total growth.

Why Tulsa Lawn Care Services is the Best Choice for Winter Pruning Services

Tulsa Lawn Care Services is one of the top providers of winter pruning services in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our team of trained and experienced professionals has the expertise and equipment to provide the highest quality pruning services to our clients. We understand that each plant is unique, and that’s why we offer a range of pruning services to meet the needs of our clients. Whether you have a small residential landscape or a large commercial property, we have the experience and equipment to handle the job.

Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction and will work with you to develop a customized pruning plan that meets your specific needs. We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure a precise and efficient pruning process

We can list countless reasons why you should get those pesky leaves off your property. But, more importantly, it’s not just an appearance issue, but it is a necessity if you want to keep a beautiful lawn the following year. Common grasses in Tulsa like Bermuda, Zoysia, Buffalo, and others store energy during fall and winter to grow stronger in Spring and Summer. All these different types of grass generate their energy from the small amounts of sunlight they receive during the fall and winter. If leaves block the sunlight, the photosynthesis process will not continue, and you may have patchy spots in the spring. Leaf removal allows your lawn to continue getting the nourishment its needs from the sunlight.

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